Letter to Observer re Burzynski clinic

My email to the readers' editor at the Observer re this article on raising the money to send a girl with cancer to the Burzynski clinic in USA.


The worst year of my life: cancer has my family in its grip


I think you should take a really serious look at what has
gone on around the publication of this article. Of course it’s a moving account
of knowing a child with cancer. But the whole emphasis is on people clubbing
together to allow her to receive some treatment which is unavailable on the
NHS. The overall impression is horribly misleading, which is that there is some
expensive and sophisticated treatment which is for some reason inaccessible
through the NHS. Actually, the obvious reason it’s not provided by the NHS is
that it plain doesn’t work. Unlike a number of treatments which are available
on the NHS (e.g. herceptin), the chemicals used by this clinic are fairly
simple and easy to manufacture and if there was any suggestion that this was
effective treatment the NHS would be providing it or at the very least there
would be clinical trials proceeding in the UK which would be available to NHS

The awful truth is that all the well-meaning people who have
raised money for the cause have been taken in by the clinic’s publicity
material. The fact that the Observer has also been taken in makes things so
much worse. The NHS is facing exceptionally difficult challenges and the last
thing we need is a respected, liberal newspaper contributing to the impression
that the NHS provides a second-class, limited service and that “proper”
treatments are available in the US for those who have enough money.

I know that personal issues and emotions will make this
difficult, but please try to unpick what has happened and undo the damage you
have done.

Yours sincerely

David Curtis


Professor David Curtis

Consultant and Honorary Professor in Psychiatry


  1. I too (along with several others) wrote to the Observer to raise similar concerns. I had no reply, although they did print one letter in an edited form.

    I have published what the Observer didn't on my blog (here http://josephinejones.wordpress.com/2011/11/27/emails-regarding-the-burzynski-clinic-not-published-in-the-observer/#comment-646), where I have also taken the liberty of pasting your email (I hope this is OK with you).

    I have just put it as a Comment but if it transpires they fail to reply to you, I would be happy to paste it into the post itself.

  2. No actual reply from editor but obviously the Reader's Editor has published a response today. Mentions a couple of people, though not me. I'm happy for you to paste it into the post if you want. Whatever you think works.

    Although the Reader's Editor has gone some way to addressing our concerns he hasn't considered the negative effect on the NHS and it's absolutely outrageous to finish with this sentence: "But some participants in the debate have combined aggression, sanctimony and a disregard for the facts in a way which has predictably caused much distress to the Bainbridge family." That provides a completely skewed view of the debate and to end on this note makes the response unbalanced and defensive and tends to negate the admissions of mistakes which are buried in the middle of the response.


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