
Showing posts from January, 2013

Email to David Ward MP re Holocaust Memorial Day

Here is the link to the BBC report about David Ward's comments on Holocaust Memorial Day: Lib Dems condemn MP's criticism of Israel ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day In the article he states that he has only had emails from two detractors. So I thought I would be the third. Another detractor '' Dear Mr Ward. I see you told the BBC you had only had emails from two detractors. Please consider this a third. I have never written this kind of email or letter before. Most anti-Israel or anti-Jewish statements I just let go past. Your remarks were offensive. What makes things worse is your defiance in the face of criticism. I am happy to accept that not everything Israel does is perfect and that Palestinians do have some grounds for complaint on some matters. Some actions of the state are of questionable legality and some individuals have probably acted in violent or hateful ways and sometimes may have escaped the sanctions they should have been subjected t