
Showing posts from March, 2011

Advertising Standards Authority response to complaints about homeopathy websites

Here is the response you get from the ASA if you complain about a homeopathy website. Seems fair enough to me. Dear Sir/Madam ADVERTISING CLAIMS ON HOMEOPATHY WEBSITES Thank you for your recent complaint. As you may know, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has received over a hundred and fifty complaints about over a hundred different websites for homeopathy. Complaints cover a range of issues from specific claims made by individual advertisers to general concerns about the sector as a whole. Because of the volume of complaints, we are sending this letter to everyone who contacted us on these issues to let you know what action we intend to take. The ASA has an established position on claims that can be made, and those claims that are not likely to be acceptable for homeopathy, based on the requirements set out in the CAP Code and previous ASA adjudications. Although we have not historically received many complaints about advertising for homeopathy, the Code has general requi