
Showing posts from February, 2011

Review of Medicines Act 1968: Informal consultation on issues relating to the product licences of right (PLR) regime and homeopathy

There was an invitation to respond to this consultation. Here's the email I sent: Hi. This whole project is lunacy. Why are you wasting tax-payers money on it? Why don’t you waste your time licensing sunlight and lettuce? Even thinking about thinking about licenses for homeopathy is an insult to every hard-working NHS professional trying to alleviate people’s suffering using evidence-based practice. Anybody involved in such an endeavour should go take a long hard look at themselves in the bathroom mirror and then flush themselves down the toilet. There, that’s what I think. Regards -         Dave Curtis -- Professor David Curtis Consultant and Honorary Professor in Psychiatry Dept Adult Psychiatry 3rd Floor Outpatient Building Royal London Hospital